The existing single-track electrified railway line between Koper and Divača is the only railway connection between the port of Koper and the hinterland.
The capacity of the line is limited due to technical equipment, and the throughput and transportability are also affected by extraordinary events and measures carried out on the line (such as, for example, overhauls and modernization). Especially in the summer months, traffic is limited by meadow and forest fires, which are often the result of sparks when trains brake on the tracks. Due to the nature of the terrain, landslides are also common.
Several measures are being implemented on the existing line to increase the throughput and transport capacity of the existing line. The most important measures are:
- already carried out modernization of the existing track and
- construction of the extracted track between ENP Dekani and railway station Koper tovorna (1.2 km).
In 2030, transshipment in Luka Koper is expected to amount to 35 million tons, which means that due to the inadequacy of the existing Divača-Koper railway line, road freight traffic will increase by approximately 20 million tons. So we can expect that in 2030 there will be twice as many trucks from the Port of Koper on Slovenian highways than today.
The track has a large longitudinal gradient, which in the section between Prešnica and Bivje is up to 26 ‰. The highest point on the route is the Rodik Pass, which is 107 meters higher than the station in Divača, and 535 meters above sea level than the station in Koper.